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FilmMaking-Careers' Links
to Film Making Tips

ACTION-CUT-PRINT: carrying filmmaking resources, a free ezine and a film and tv bookstore

Autoradiography Film Tips: from Eastman Kodak Company

Beginners Guide To DV Production: - How to make a movie with just a Computer and DV Camcorder.

CamerasRolling: beginning/intermediate level resource for videography hobbyists. Amateur videography secrets for making affordable amateur feature-length movies, music videos, and skits, including tips on scripting, costuming, designing sets, shooting, and editing

DVD Authoring and Duplicating Tips: learn how to burn your videos into DVDs, and which DVD authoring software is best for you

Editing Cut-a-Ways: Ron Dexter's primer on getting effective "B-roll"

Film Technology Company's: guide to 8 mm and Super 8 mm info

Paul Thurston - Director of Photography: Paul offers film production tips and services in addition to screenplay help

Penguin Productions' : list of film making tips

Top Money Saving Film Tips: Drop Dead Film's tips to save money and stretch your budget