Index of Filmmaking Careers' Articles on Film
Formats and HDTV

comprehensive review of digital standards that makes a case
for the "Future-Proof Standard." — by Steve
Wiedemann / Henninger Media Services |
HDTV: The Fall of Film Production


A thorough HDTV analysis of high-def's history, special effects,
projection, and inter-cutting techniques; while asking if HDTV
brings the demise of film. — by Steve Wiedemann |
Def Grows Up


A Q&A session that discusses digital video editing of a
feature film, "How High." |
Shoot in Film?


24P aside, don't count film out as an image acquisition medium
yet. Read Mario Orazio's article on why Kodak is still kicking. |
Shoot in 24P?


Laurence J. Thorpe's is a proponent of a digital production
system that operates on precisely the same picture capture-rate
platform as the "de facto established 24-frame film platform."
Read as he examines how creative flexibilities have been added
to the program production arsenal of moviemakers and television
producers. |
for Film Release


Why would consider shooting a "film" in video, and
transfering it to celuloid for distribution? Learn some of the
reasons, as well as a few techniques from Alan Stewart. |
Most Serious Screen Writing Mistakes


A university professor may help you to better critique your
script, and avoid the most common and serious screen writing
mistakes. Check Prof. Charles Deemer's list of pitfalls. |
Examines hiring criteria


Can a low-cost, work-intensive internship actually be the smartest
way into a film career? Read Bruce Britt's review of Career
Connection's mentorship program. |
School on Film Training


Conventional wisdom says a film degree from prestigious university
will open doors, however, smart money knows that internships
have become an increasingly effective way to get the proverbial
foot in the door. |